Is a 5 Inch Filter Worth It?

Thicker air filters are better for HVAC systems. Learn about the benefits of a 5 inch filter and what considerations you should keep in mind when choosing one.

Is a 5 Inch Filter Worth It?

When it comes to air filters, thicker is better. That's why a 5 inch filter is often the preferred choice for HVAC systems. Not only does it provide better airflow, but it also lasts longer and captures more contaminants. But is it worth the extra cost?The answer is yes.

A 5 inch filter has more physical holes for air to pass through, making it easier for air to flow through the system. This reduces the strain on the fan motor, which extends the life of the equipment. Plus, these media filters have much stiffer cardboard frames and some even have plastic “rails” on the top and bottom for a tight seal. The MERV rating is a measure of how well the filter captures particles in the 0.3 to 10 micron size range.

A 5 inch filter will capture more contaminants over a longer period of time than a 1 inch filter with the same MERV rating. This means you don't have to replace your filter as often, saving you money in the long run. However, you should be careful when choosing a filter with a higher MERV rating. These filters restrict airflow more than low-MERV filters, as measured by the drop in air pressure that filters create when installed.

If too many particles are trapped in the filter, it can be difficult for the system to push air through it. Despite this warning, many owners have reported that MERV filters 11, 12 and even 13 have worked well in their systems for years. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide what type of filter is best for your system. But if your oven can accommodate a 5 inch filter, it's definitely worth considering.

Cleveland Spadafore
Cleveland Spadafore

Extreme food maven. Extreme bacon guru. Wannabe internet buff. Infuriatingly humble food trailblazer. Proud travel maven. Evil coffee fanatic.